Charitable Causes
Cerapedics is committed to being socially responsible being socially responsible and are intended to support worthwhile charitable, educational, or health-related causes in the geographic locations and healthcare communities in which Cerapedics operates.
We will consider donations for charitable and philanthropic purposes, such as indigent care, patient and public education, and events intended for charitable purposes.
Approval Criteria
Appropriate Recipient: The requesting organization must qualify for tax exempt status under Section 501(c) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.
Appropriate Purpose: Donations must be made for a bona fide charitable purpose, or to support the general fundraising drives of a tax-exempt entity without any expectation of return. The purpose of the funding must be to support charitable causes or healthcare related activities, or educational activities that help promote excellence in patient care.
Types of funding requests that will not be considered include, but are not limited to:
- Support or payments made directly to individuals, including tickets for HCPs or their spouses or guests to attend charitable events.
- Ordinary capital or operating expenses of a recipient
- Building or construction funding
- Support for specific religious activities or beliefs
- Support for political organizations or lobbying activity
- Support for labor unions
- Support for organizations that discriminate based on race, color, creed, sex, nation al origin, sexual orientation,age, or veteran or disability status.
How to Apply
Step 1: Register for the Cerapedics Grant Portal using the link at the bottom of the page.
Step 2: Complete and submit the Cerapedics Charitable Donation Request Form in the portal. You can save your progress and log back in to finish if necessary.
Required Documents:
- Formal Letter of Request: This must include the signature of an authorized representative of the charitable organization and identify the charitable donation for which the request is being made. .
- Tax Documents: A copy of the charitable organization’s Section 501(c) determination letter from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.
Once submitted, Cerapedics will acknowledge receipt of the application within 30 days.