Grants and Charitable Donations
Cerapedics is committed to providing appropriate support to bona fide education, research, and charitable initiatives that are aligned with our mission to redefine the standard of care for bone repair, so that patients can live their healthiest lives. Please read below to understand types of grants or donations we may consider and click below for more information and how to apply.
Educational and charitable grant requests will be accepted all year and are reviewed in the first week of every month.
*Fellowship and scholarship applications can only be submitted October 1st – March 1st – these requests are reviewed during the month of April
Investigator Initiated Studies (IIS) applications will be accepted all year and are reviewed bi-annually – during the last week of June, and the last week of December.
Educational grants may be requested for the provision and delivery of medical education to healthcare professionals and organizations for continuing education and advancement of patient care. Educational grants include support for accredited Continuing Medical Education (CME), Continuing Education (CE), grants to independent third parties developing educational content for congresses and symposiums, residency programs, ACGME programs (fellowships and scholarships), patient-related educational materials, textbooks for medical institutions or individual fellows, residents, or medical students.
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Funding may be requested for Investigator-Initiated Studies (“IISs”) for independent research studies sponsored by outside investigators or institutions that are intended to advance medical and scientific knowledge.
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Charitable Donations may be requested to support general charitable causes, healthcare, or educational activities that help promote excellence in patient care. We will consider donations for charitable and philanthropic purposes, such as indigent care, patient and public education, and events intended for charitable purposes.
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